Getting back into this blogging malarkey

I know I have been blogging lite recently which is daft because I have many things to blog about like my jolly nice trip to Paris, my surprisingly pleasant weekend in Bury St Edmunds and my obsession with my iPhone gadgetry wotnot.

Not only have I not been writing blogs, but I’ve really had to streamline my reading of them. Partly this is to do with Technorati and their exceedingly irritating inability to deliver my Favourites in a sensible and consistent fashion. I’ve just had a good old catch up though and would like to declare the following blogs as my current faves:

Musings From  the Sofa

Louder Than Swahili

Charlotte’s Web

Spiral Skies

and 3BT which makes me smile everyday 


And these are new discoveries I am  quite liking a lot (oh yes, we’re in command of the English language today)

The Times of Miranda



So I am trying to get back into some sort of blogosphere engagement and generally get my shit together (focusing on the blogging getting my shit together rather than more generally in life – good grief that’s more of a complicated life mission). You see it’s got so bad I cannot even string a sentence together (in my defence I have written three proposals today and have used most of my brain cells).


Filed under Blogtastic

2 responses to “Getting back into this blogging malarkey

  1. Jen

    Aw, thank you! And yes, 3BT makes me smile too… I tend to trawl it greedily on bad days, a less fattening option than raiding the fridge!

    And Qwerty Queen is most super indeed. I *heart* her very much. DOn’t tell her though, will you?

    I would like to hear about Bury St Edmunds. I am too tragic and spinstery to visit Paris so I’m thinking this might be good?

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